ExPy Add-In Examples

Example Spreadsheets

Simplest example: define a Python function and evaluate it

This is essentially the simplest possible example: we define a simple function which returns the square of its argument. It is easiest to type the source code in a cell by itself and then evaluate it from another cell. Hence:

Row No Column A Column B
def f1(x):
     return x*x

Note that the multi-row cells can be entered by pressing Alt-Enter to get a line break while editing a cell. Here we use the ExPyScript function since we are interested in the side-effect of this evaluation (the definition of the function, which we use later) rather than the result of evaluation.

Once cell B1 is evaluated, the function f1 will be defined in the __main__ Python namespace in exactly the equivalent way as if the contents of cell A1 were in a source code file and this file was execfile from with the Python interpreter.

In order to make use of the function to carry out a computation we use the ExPyEvalSS function which is evaluates Python code for its return value. Here is an example:

Row No Column A Column B
2 f1(3) =ExPyEvalSS(A2)

Like you'd expect, this evaluates to

Row No Column A Column B
2 f1(3) 9

Importing modules

Modules must be imported as normal before use. For example:

Row No Column A Column B
import math

Note that again we use the ExPyScript function as importing a module is done for its side-effect.

All of the standard Python modules come supplied with the ExPy Add-in, packaged together in the single dll file. If you'd like to use your own modules, you will need to ensure that they are in the Python search path. The search path is specified as normal by the sys.path variable and can be adjusted in the usual way. For example, to add c:\pymods to the search path you can use the following:

Row No Column A Column B
import sys

Once you have loaded your modules you can use the functions and data in them as usual. For example:

Row No Column A Column B

evaluates to:

Row No Column A Column B

Finally, if you not want to import files as modules, but simply execute them in the top level namespace, then execfile works as you'd expect:

Row No Column A Column B

Executes the script at c:\temp\t1.py

Interacting with other DLLs and the Windows API

The Add-in comes with the ctypes module. This means that it can easily interact with any other DLL or the windows API itself. For example, this code will call the standard Win API Message Box:

Row No Column A Column B
import ctypes
                                 "Your text here",
                                 "Your title here",


Python objects and namespaces can be introspected as usual. For example, to see the content of the math module (the module must have been previously imported):

Row No Column A Column B

Reflection of functions into Excel

Simple Python functions can be called directly from within Excel by registering them using the ExPy.register function. In reflected functions, all parameters are passed in as xlltypes.XLOper objects and the returned value has to be converted to the xlltypes.XLOper. In this very simple case below we convert the input XLOper to string through the use of the str function before using it.

Row No Column A Column B
def stringfn(x):
     return "Got " + str(x)
ExPy.register(stringfn, 1)

This can then be used as:

Row No Column A Column B

Which in turn evaluates to:

Row No Column A Column B
"Got Test!"